The Reproductive Infectious Diseases research group strives to recognize the excellent research conducted by our investigators, staff and trainees.
At times, the outstanding achievements of our research teams and members are recognized through scholarships, awards, and grants.

Individual Awards
2025 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025) – New Investigator Scholarship
Wong, J
Purpose: To cover the cost of registration and airfare transportation for the 2025 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025) in San Francisco, California USA
UBC Faculty of Medicine – Postdoctoral Fellows Office (PDFO) Travel Awards
Wong, J
Purpose: To partially cover the cost of attendance for the 2025 Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon USA
Best Early Career Presenter Award – International Workshop on HIV & Women
Wong, J.
Project Title: Risk Factors for Preterm Birth in Pregnant Women Living with HIV: A 25-Year Analysis of the British Columbia Perinatal HIV Database
2024 D. A. Boyes Memorial Research Award – UBC Dept. of OBGYN
Wong, J., Money, D.
Project Title: Evaluation of the Universal Maternal Syphilis Screen at Delivery: a collaboration with the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
2023 JAMMI Trainee Published Manuscript Award
Wong, J., Elwood, C.
Project Title: Establishing obstetrics-specific metrics and interventions for antimicrobial stewardship
CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing platform (CANTRAIN) & Co-Funders Graduate Award (2023-2024)
Nicolls, N., Money, D.
Project Title: NOVA-HIV Study: Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV
Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (IDSOG) Trainee Travel Scholar Award (2023)
Fu, W.
Project Title: Comparison of Maternal and Infant Outcomes in SARSCOV-2 Affected Pregnancies and Contemporaneous Pregnancies from British Columbia, Canada
UBC Faculty of Medicine Summer Student Research Program (2021)
Fu, W., Money, D.
Project Title: Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in women exposed and unexposed to COVID-19 during pregnancy in British Columbia and COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant and lactating populations: A systematic review
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Research Trainee Award (2020-2023)
McClymont, E., Gantt, S.
Project Title: Viral Determinants of Natural Human Cytomegalovirus Transmission
Canadian HIVE Trials Network Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020-2022)
McClymont, E., Gantt, S., Boucoiran, I.
Project Title: Viral Determinants of Natural Human Cytomegalovirus Transmission in Women Living with HIV
Lundbeck Foundation Postdoc (2020-2023)
McClymont, E., Kjær, S.
Project Title: The Impact of the HPV Vaccine on Preterm Birth in Denmark and Sweden
Antenatal Serostudies Research Awards
Public Health Agency of Canada (2023-2024)
Money, D., & National RID Team
Project Title: Canadian Population Serological Survey Utilizing Antenatal Serum Samples
Public Health Agency of Canada (2020-2023)
Money, D., Antonishyn, N., Beach, L., Boucoiran, I., Bullard, J., Cassell, K., Castillo, E., Charlton, C., Crane, J., Daley, J., de Wet, F., Dionne, K., Doherty, S., Dougan, S., Elwood, C., Fell, D., Forest, JC., Giguere, Y., Hannah, H., Hansen, M., Hatchette, T., Kotaska, A., Krajden, M., Magee, F., Martel, J., Minion, J., Murphy-Kaulbeck, L., Neudorf, C., Poliquin, V., Saunders, S., Scott, H.
Project Title: Canadian Population Serological Survey Utilizing Antenatal Serum Samples: Phase 1
COVERED Vaccine Registry Research Awards
Public Health Agency of Canada (2023-2024)
Money, D., & National RID Team
Project Title: Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Registry for Pregnant & Lactating Individuals (COVERED): An Evaluation of Safety, Effectiveness & Acceptability
Public Health Agency of Canada (2021-2023)
Money, D., Albert, A., Kuret, V., Castillo, E., McClymont, E., Saunders, S., Elwood, C., Scott, H., Bogler, T., Murphy-Kaulbeck, L., Fadel, S., Karacabeyli, E.
Project Title: Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Registry for Pregnant and Lactating Individuals (COVERED): An Evaluation of Safety, Effectiveness, and Acceptability
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Canada (2021-2022)
Barrett, J., Agarwal, G., Alvarez, E., Boamah, S., Castillo, E., D’Souza, R., Darling, E., Dunn, J., Iorio, A., Alton, G., Apatu, E., Bisnaire, L., Bogler, T., Cook, J., Dube, E., El-Chaar, D., Ellis, S., Fadel, S., Fell, D., Katherine, W., Kuret, V., Lavis, J., MacDonald, S., Malhame I, Poliquin V, Schwartz L, Scott H, Sprague AE, Sussman D, Thabane L, Walker M, Yudin M, DeFrance B, Downey B, Money D, Schoenfeld E, Vohra-Miller S, Wolfe S.
Project Title: Encouraging vaccine confidence among pregnant and breastfeeding Canadians
Vaccine Surveillance Reference Group: Assessing the Safety and Effectiveness of Current and Future SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Deployed in Canada
Money, D., McClymont, E., Sadarangani, M., Barrett, J., Fell, D., Albert, A., Boucoiran, I., and the COVERED team
Project Title: Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Registry for Pregnant and Lactating Individuals (COVERED): An Evaluation of Safety, Effectiveness, and Acceptability
CANCOVID-Preg Surveillance Research Awards
Public Health Agency of Canada (2023-2024)
Money, D., & National RID Team
Project Title: Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg)
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force/Public Health Agency of Canada (2021-2023)
Money, D., McClymont, E., Sadarangani, M., Barrett, J. Fell, D., Albert, A., Boucoiran, I., and the CANCOVID-Preg team
Project Title: Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg)
CIHR Operating Grant: COVID-19 (2021-2023)
Money, D., McClymont, E, Boucoiran, I., Elwood, C., Snelgrove, J., Fell, D., Castillo, E., Poliquin, V., Abenhaim, H., Crane, J., Krajden, M., Sadarangani, M., van Schalkwyk, J., Albert, A., El-Chaar, D., Kuret, V., Murphy, P., Sauve, L., Whittle, W., Joynt, C., Murphy-Kaulbeck, L., Scott, H., Yudin, M., Barrett, J., Kakkar, F., Malinowski, A., Ting, Y.
Project Title: Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg)
BC Women’s Health Foundation (2020-2022)
Money, D., Elwood, C., McClymont, E., Krajden, M., Sadarangani, M., van Schalkwyk, J., Albert, A., Ting, J., Roberts, A., Joseph, KS., Giesbrecht, E., Sauve, L
Project Title: Surveillance of Pregnancy Outcomes of Women with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 in British Columbia
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant (2020-2021)
Money, D. Boucoiran, I., Elwood, C., Snelgrove, J., Fell, D., Castillo, E., Poliquin, V., and the CANCOVID-Preg team
Project Title: Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg)
University of British Columbia, COVID-19 Strategic Investment Fund (2020-2021)
Money, D., Brotto, L., Elwood, C., Beristain, A., Sadanrangani, M., Roberts, A., Ting, J., Ogilvie, G., Krajden, M.
Project Title: Rapid Response Maternal-Infant Clinical and Biospecimen Access Platform
PHAC Enhanced Surveillance of Chronic Disease Program (2020-2021)
Money, D., Boucoiran, I., Elwood, C., Snelgrove, J., Fell, D., Castillo, E., Poliquin, V., and the CANCOVID-Preg team.
Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg)
HIV and HPV Research Awards
Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating Award (2023-2025)
Money, D., McClymont, E., Nicholson, V.,
Project Title: A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV (The NOVA-HIV Study)
UBC Partnership Recognition and Exploration Fund (2023-2023)
McClymont, E., Chown, S.,
Project Title: A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV (The NOVA-HIV Study)
CIHR Spring Project Grant (2022-2027)
Money, D., McClymont, E., Elwood, C., Albert, A., Walmsley, S., Smaill, F., Yudin, M., Hankins, C., Singer, J., Ogilvie, G., Loutfy, M., Stone, S., Harris, M., Lee, M., Krajden, M., Hill, J., Sadarangani, M., Poliquin, V.
Project Title: A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV (The NOVA-HIV Study)
CIHR Fall Project Grant Bridge Funding (2022-2023)
Money, D., McClymont, E., Elwood, C., Albert, A., Walmsley, S., Smaill, F., Yudin, M., Hankins, C., Singer, J., Ogilvie, G., Loutfy, M., Stone, S., Harris, M., Lee, M., Krajden, M., Hill, J., Sadarangani, M., Poliquin, V.
Project Title: A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV (The NOVA-HIV Study)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2021-2025)
Boucoiran, I., Gantt, SC., Côté H; Albert, A., Abdoulaye, D., Elwood, C., Kakkar, F., McClymont, E., Money, D., Sauve, L., Soudeyns, H.
Project Title: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living with and without HIV
CIHR Spring Project Grant Bridge Funding (2021-2022)
Money, D., McClymont, E., Elwood, C., Albert, A., Walmsley, S., Smaill, F., Yudin, M., Hankins, C., Singer, J., Ogilvie, G., Loutfy, M., Stone, S., Harris, M., Lee, M., Krajden, M., Hill, J., Sadarangani, M., Poliquin, V.
Project Title: A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV (The NOVA-HIV Study)
NIH R21 Grant (2021-2023)
Boucoiran, I., Gantt, S., McClymont, E., Soudeyns, H., Money, D., Côté, H., Kakkar, F., Albert, A., Sauvé, L., Diallo, A., Boppana, S.
Project Title: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living With and Without HIV.
CIHR Fall Project Grant (2021-2025)
Boucoiran, I., Gantt, S., McClymont, E., Soudeyns, H., Money, D., Côté, H., Kakkar, F., Albert, A., Sauvé, L., Diallo, A.
Project Title: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living With and Without HIV.
BC Women’s Health Foundation (2018-2020)
Elwood, C., McClymont, E., Lee, M., Ogilvie, G., Money, D.
Project Title: The Impact of the HPV Vaccine on Preterm Birth in British Columbia
Maternal Infection Research Awards
Healthy Starts Catalyst Grant (2023-2025)
Vidler, M., Lisonkova, S., Nyamwiza, A., Worku, D., Ruzindana, K., Money, D., Bone, J.,
Project Title: Distribution and Determinants of Caeserean-related infection in Rwanda: A pilot study
University of British Columbia (2020-2021)
Sadarangani, M., Bettinger, J., Elwood, C., Gantt, S., Naus M., van Schalkwyk, J., Money, D.
Project title: PRevention of Infections in the MatErnal-Infant Dyad (PRIMED)
Microbiome Research Awards
UBC STAIR Grants (2022-2023)
Tokuyama, M., Money, D.
Project Title: Investigating the role of endogenous retroviruses in vaginal health
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2019-2020)
Money, DM., Elwood, C., Hill, JE., Mitchell-Foster, S., O’Doherty, KC., Ogilvie, GS., Albert, A., Dumonceaux, TJ., Foster, LJ., Gantt, SM., Hsiao, W., Karacabeyli, ES., Lange, D., Links, MG., McClymont, EK.
Project Title: The Vaginal Microbiome Team For Reproductive Health Care and Knowledge Translation
Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 LOI (2019)
Money, D., Ogilvie, G., Gantt, S., Mitchell-Foster, S., Elwood, C., Hill, J., Lange, D Links, M., Hsiao, W., Dumonceaux, T., Foster, L., O’Doherty, K., Albert, A., McClymont, E., Karacebeyli, E.
Project Title: The Vaginal Microbiome Team for Reproductive Health Care and Knowledge Translation (VOCAL)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Research Awards
National CMV Foundation Early Career Congenital CMV Research Award (2022-2024)
McClymont, E., Gantt, S., Boucoiran, I., Goldfarb, D., Sauve, L., Money, D., Sekirov, I.,
Project Title: CMV DETAIL (Improving iDEntification of maTernAl reInfection and characterization of congenitaL CMV strains)
National Institutes of Health R21 (2021-2023)
Boucoiran, I., Gantt, S., McClymont, E., Soudeyns, H., Money, D., Cote, H., Kakkar, F., Albert, A., Sauve, L., Diallo, A., Boppana, S.
Project Title: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living With and Without HIV.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (2021-2025)
Bocoiran, I., Gantt, S., Cote, H., Albert, A., Abdoulaye, D., Elwood, C., Kakkar, F., McClymont, E., Money, D., Sauve, L., Soudeyns, H.
Project Title: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living with and without HIV
Other Research Awards
Michael Smith Health Research BC Reach Grant (2022-2023)
Stuart, G., & Keay, N., McClymont, E., Hanley, G., Money, D., Kwon, J., Gilks, B., Lam, S., Woo, M.
Project Title: Building a Patient-led and Patient-inspired Knowledge Translation Platform for Gynecologic Cancer Research.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (2022-2027)
Talhouk, A., Anglesio, MS., Hill, J., Money, DM., Tinker, A., Dawson, LM., Huntsman, D., Lecuyer, M., Mohammed, AB., Prior, J., Spinelli, J., Tindale, L.,
Project Title: Digital Self-tracking and Self-testing for Early Detection of Endometrial Cancer.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (2022-2023)
Anglesio, M., Hill, J., Money, D., Talhouk, A., Tinker, A.
Project Title: Digital Self-Tracking for Early Detection and Prevention of Endometrial Cancer during Reproductive Aging.
University of British Columbia (2020-2021)
McKnight, M., Money, D., Ansermino, M., Berman, P., Gilchrist, T., Scott, I., Smitten, J., Vos, P.
Project Title: A virtual learning platform to promote knowledge exchange, build capacity, and strengthen partnerships between UBC and educational institutes in resource-limited settings