Oak Tree Clinic
Project Title: CARMA-1-PREG: Placenta Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Preterm Birth
Principal Investigator: Dr Deborah Money
Primary Contact: Evelyn Maan, Research Manager, 604-767-5044, emaan@cw.bc.ca
About the study: Anti-HIV drugs reduce the chance of HIV transmission from mother to child from 25% to less than 1%. It has been shown that some anti-HIV drugs, as an unwanted side effect, may have a toxic effect on the cells of the body. Some of the medications can have an effect on different body systems that leads to mitochondrial (energy-producing part of body cells) dysfunction. When the mitochondria are not working properly (mitochondrial toxicity) the body can start to build up high levels of lactate (a byproduct of cell function). Some doctors have expressed concerns that mitochondrial toxicity may be even more common in pregnant women than in other adults on these medications.
Preterm delivery is twice as common in women with HIV than women without and the precise cause is unknown.
The purpose of this project is to study the effect of taking anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy using two new laboratory tests. One will test the level of function of the mitochondria and the other test will look at damage drugs may do to the length of DNA at the end of chromosomes. Additionally, we aim to better understand factors that contribute to preterm delivery in HIV+ pregnancies.
Study status: Recruitment is complete!
Who can participate: Pregnant women living with HIV who are taking, or are going to be taking, anti-HIV medication during their pregnancy.
Co-Investigators: Dr. Helene Cote, Dr. Julie van Schalkwyk, Dr. Isabelle Boucoiran, Dr. Chelsea Elwood, Dr Ariane Alimenti, Dr Wendy Robinson
Funded by: CIHR
Partners: None
Fu, W., McClymont, E., Av-Gay, G., Dorling, M., Atkinson, A., Azampanah, A., Elwood, C., Sauvé, L., van Schalkwyk, J., Sotindjo, T., and Money, D. Retrospective Cohort Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Living with HIV in British Columbia. JAIDS. 95(5). April 2024.
Djeha A, Money D, Trottier H, Djemli A, van Schalkwyk J, Boucher M, Boucoiran I. The association between antiretroviral therapy and early placental function: a cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Mar;34(5):683-689. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1613362. Epub 2019 May 15. PMID: 31092068.
Piske M, Qiu AQ, Maan EJ, Sauvé LJ, Forbes JC, Alimenti A, Janssen PA, Money DM, Côté HCF; CIHR Team Grant on Cellular Aging and HIV Comorbidities in Women and Children. Preterm Birth and Antiretroviral Exposure in Infants HIV-exposed Uninfected. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Mar 1;40(3):245-250.
Boucoiran I, Roy M, Poliquin V, Elwood C, Sheehan NL, Thibaudeau R, Ferreira E, Autmizguine J, Kakkar F, Boucher M, Money D, Tulloch K. Evaluation of cabergoline for lactation inhibition in women living with HIV. Int J STD AIDS. 2021 Feb 20:956462420984694. doi: 10.1177/0956462420984694. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33612017.
Chelsea Elwood, V. Logan Kennedy, Mona Loutfy, Vanessa Poliquin, Isabelle Boucoiran, Mark H. Yudin,
The Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines: What Pregnancy Care Providers Need to Know About HIV Transmission and Pre-Conception Considerations, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada,2020,ISSN 1701-2163,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jogc.2020.09.022.
Donken R, Dobson SRM, Marty KD, Cook D, Sauvageau C, Gilca V, Dionne M, McNeil S, Krajden M, Money D, Kellner J, Scheifele DW, Kollmann T, Bettinger JA, Liu S, Singer J, Naus M, Sadarangani M, Ogilvie GS. Immunogenicity of 2 and 3 Doses of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine up to 120 Months Postvaccination: Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 14;71(4):1022-1029. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz887. PMID: 31617568; PMCID: PMC7428395.
McClymont E, Lee M, Raboud J, Coutlée F, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Harris M. Prevalent and persistent oncogenic HPV types in a cohort of women living with HIV prior to HPV vaccination. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2020 Jul;150(1):108-15.
Ajaykumar A, Zhu M, Kakkar F, Brophy J, Bitnun A, Alimenti A, Soudeyns H, Saberi S, Albert AY, Money DM, Côté HC. Blood mitochondrial DNA levels remain elevated from birth to early life in children HIV-exposed uninfected exposed to combination antiretroviral therapy in utero. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020 Jul. https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiaa410
Larouche M, Albert AY, Lipsky N, Walmsley S, Loutfy M, Smaill F, Trottier S, Bitnun A, Yudin MH, Cundiff GW, Money DM. Urinary symptoms and quality of life in women living with HIV: a cross-sectional study. International Urogynecology Journal. 2020 May:1-6.
Albert AY, Elwood C, Wagner EC, Pakzad Z, Chaworth-Musters T, Berg K, Van Schalkwyk J, Maan EJ, Azampanah A, McClymont E, Alimenti A. Investigation of factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth in pregnant women living with HIV. Aids. 2020 Apr;34(5):719-27. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002464.
McClymont E, Ogilvie G, Albert A, Johnston A, Raboud J, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Yudin MH, Klein MB, Harris M, Wobeser W, Bitnun A, Kakkar F, Samson L, Brophy J, Karatzios C, Money D; CTN 236 HPV in HIV Study Team. Impact of quadrivalent HPV vaccine dose spacing on immunologic response in women living with HIV. Vaccine. 2020 Mar 30;38(15):3073-3078. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.02.075. Epub 2020 Mar 5. PMID: 32147300.
McClymont E, Coutlée F, Lee M, Albert A, Raboud J, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Yudin MH, Harris M, Wobeser W, Bitnun A, Samson L, Money D. Persistence of Non-Vaccine Oncogenic HPV Genotypes in Quadrivalent HPV-Vaccinated Women Living With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Mar;83(3):230-234. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002258.
E McClymont, G Ogilvie, A Albert, A Johnston, J Raboud, S Walmsley, N Lipsky, M Loutfy, S Trottier, F Smaill, MH Yudin, MB Klein, M Harris, W Wobeser, A Bitnun, F Kakkar, L Samson, J Brophy, C Karatzios, and D Money for the CTN 236 HPV in HIV Study Team. Immunological Impact of Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Dose Spacing in Women Living with HIV. Vaccine. February 2020: In press.
Link for Publication Access Pending
C Elwood, AYK Albert, E McClymont, E Wagner, D Mahal, K Devakandan, BL Quigley, Z Pakzad, MH Yudin, JE Hill, D Money, and the VOGUE Research Group. Different and diverse anaerobic microbiota were seen in women living with HIV with unsuppressed HIV viral load and in women with recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a cohort study. BJOG. Jan 2020: 27 (2), 250-259.
Vanommen C, Murray M, Pick N, Alimenti A, Albert A, Piske M, vanschalkwyk J, Lima V, Maan E, Money D, Cote H. Exploring the live birth rates of women living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Accepted, PLOS ONE, February 6th 2019.
Saberi S, Kalloger SE, Zhu MMT, Sattha B, Maan EJ, van Schalkwyk J, Money DM, Côté HCF, CIHR Team in Cellular Aging and HIV Comorbidities in Women and Children (CARMA). Dynamics of leukocyte telomere length in pregnant women living with HIV, and HIV-negative pregnant women: A longitudinal observational study. PLoS One. 2019 Mar 6;14(3):e0212273. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212273. eCollection 2019
Shokoohi M, Bauer GR, Kaida A, Logie CH Carter A, Lacombe-Duncan A, Loutfy M; CHIWOS Research Team. A Latent Class Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health Impacting Heavy Alcohol Consumption Among Women Living with HIV in Canada: The Canadian HIV Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study. AIDS Behav. 18(6) DEC 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02454-3.
Carter A, Greene S, Money D, Sanchez M, Webster K, Nicholson V, Brotto LA, Hankins C, Kestler M, Pick N, Salters K, Proulx-Boucher K, O'Brien N, Patterson S, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team. Love with HIV: A Latent Class Analysis of Sexual and Intimate Relationship Experiences Among Women Living with HIV in Canada. Arch Sex Behav. 2019 Mar 19. doi: 10.1007/s10508-019-1418-5.
Djeha A, Money D, Trottier H, Djemli A, van Schalkwyk J, Boucher M, Boucoiran I. The association between antiretroviral therapy and early placental function: a cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 May 15:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1613362.
D Money, T Lee, C O’Brien, J Brophy, A Bitnun, F Kakkar, I Boucoiran, A Alimenti, W Vaudry, J Singer, LJ Sauve, for the Canadian Perinatal HIV Surveillance Program. Congenital anomalies following antenatal exposure to dolutegravir: a Canadian surveillance study. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2019 Oct; 126(11): 1338-1435. June 2019.
Tulloch K, Dodin P, Tremblay-Racine F, Elwood C, Money D, Boucoiran I. Cabergoline: a review of its use in the inhibition of lactation for women living with HIV. J Int AIDS Soc. 2019 Jun;22(6):e25322. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25322
Logie CH, Marcus N, Wang Y, Kaida A, O'Campo P, Ahmed U, O'Brien N, Nicholson V, Conway T, de Pokomandy A, Fernet M, Loutfy M; CHIWOS Research Team. A longitudinal study of associations between HIV-related stigma, recent violence and depression among women living with HIV in a Canadian cohort study. J Int AIDS Soc. 2019 Jul;22(7):e25341. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25341.
Kaida A, Carter A, Nicholson V, Lemay J, O'Brien N, Greene S, Tharao W, Proulx-Boucher K, Gormley R, Benoit A, Bernier M, Thomas-Pavanel J, Lewis J, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M; CHIWOS Research Team. Hiring, training, and supporting Peer Research Associates: Operationalizing community-based research principles within epidemiological studies by, with, and for women living with HIV. Harm Reduct J. 2019 Jul 18;16(1):47. doi: 10.1186/s12954-019-0309-3.
Ziada AS, Lu MY, Ignas-Menzies J, Paintsil E, Li M, Ogbuagu O, Saberi S, Hsieh AYY, Sattha B, Harrigan PR, Kalloger S, Côté H; CIHR team grant on cellular aging, HIV comorbidities in women, children (CARMA). Mitochondrial DNA somatic mutation burden and heteroplasmy are associated with chronological age, smoking, and HIV infection. Aging Cell. 2019 Dec: 18 (6), 13:e13018. doi: 10.1111/acel.13018.
Gormley R, Lin S, Carter A, Nicholson V, Webster K, Martin RE, Milloy MJ, Pick N, Howard T, Wang L, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team. Social Determinants of Health and Retention in HIV Care Among Recently Incarcerated Women Living with HIV in Canada. AIDS Behav. 2019 Sep 4. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02666-7. [Epub ahead of print]
A Albert, C Elwood, E Wagner, Z Pakzad, T Chaworth-Musters, K Berg, J van Schalkwyk, E Maan, A Azampanah, E McClymont, A Alimenti, J Forbes, and D Money. Investigation of Factors Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Pregnant Women Living with HIV. AIDS. E-pub: 2019 Dec.
Kestler M, Maan E, Cote H, Murray M, Money D, Ogilvie G, Pick N, Alimenti A, Sauve L. The Oak Tree Clinic: The envisioned model of care for women living with HIV in Canada.Women's Health Issues. Women's Health Issues. 2018 Mar - Apr;28(2):197-198. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2017.11.007
Loutfy M, Kennedy VL, Poliquin V, Dzineku F, Dean NL, Margolese S, Symington A, Money DM, Hamilton S, Conway T, Khan S, Yudin. No. 354-Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines. M.J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2018 Jan;40(1):94-114. doi:0.1016/j.jogc.2017.06.033.
Logie CH, Lacombe-Duncan A, Wang Y, Kaida A, Conway T, Webster K, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy MR, Anema A, Becker D,Brotto L, Carter A, Cardinal C, Colley G, Ding E, Duddy J, Gataric N, Hogg RS, Hosward T, Jabbari S, Jones E, Kestler M, Langlois A, Lima V, Lloyd-Smith E, Medjuck M, Miller C, Money D, Nicholson V, Ogilvie G, Patterson S, Pick N, Roth E, Salters K, Sanchez M, Sas J, Sereda P, Summers M, Tom C, Wang L, Webster K, Zhang W, Abdul-Noor R, Angel J, Barry F, Bauer G, Beaver K, Benoit A, Bertozzi B, Borton S, Bourque T, Brophy J et al;. From HIV-Related Stigma to Antiretroviral Therapy Measures in the HIV Care Cascade for Women Living With HIV in Canada. F.J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Feb 1;77(2):144-153. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001589.
Carter A, Greene S, Money D, Sanchez M, Webster K, Nicholson V, Brotto L, Hankins C, Kestler M, Pick N, Salters K, Proulx-Boucher K, O'Brien N, Patterson S, de Pokomandy A, Loufty, Kaida A, CHIWOS Research Team. Supporting the Sexual Rights of Women Living With HIV: A Critical Analysis of Sexual Satisfaction and Pleasure Across Five Relationship Types. J Sex Res. 2018 Apr 6:1-21. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2018.1440370.
Duff P, Kestler M, Chamboko P, Braschel M, Ogilvie G, Krusi A, Montaner J, Money D, Shannon K, SHAWNA Project. Realizing Women Living with HIV's Reproductive Rights in the Era of ART: The Negative Impact of Non-consensual HIV Disclosure on Pregnancy Decisions Amongst Women Living with HIV in a Canadian Setting. AIDS Behav. 2018 Apr 7. doi: 10.1007/s10461-018-2111
Bitnun A, Lee T, Brophy J, Samson LM, Kakkar F, Vaudry W, Tan B, Money DM, Singer J, Sauvé LJ, Alimenti A. Canadian Perinatal HIV Surveillance Program. Missed opportunities for prevention of vertical HIV transmission in Canada. 1997-2016: a surveillance study.CMAJ Open. 2018 May 10;6(2):E202-E210. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20180016
Genevieve Kerkerian, Mary Kestler, Allison Carter, Lu Wang, Nadine Kronfli, Paul Sereda, Eric Roth, M-J Milloy, Neora Pick, Deborah Money, Kath Webster, Robert S Hogg, Alexandra de Pokomandy Mona Loutfy, Angela Kaida, on behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team. Attrition across the HIV cascade of care among a diverse cohort of women living with HIV in Canada Running head: HIV cascade of care among women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Oct 1;79(2):226-236. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001775
Shirin Kalyan, Neora Pick, Alice Mai, Melanie C. M. Murray, Kristen Kidson , Jackson Chu , Arianne Y. K. Albert , Hélène C. F. Côté Evelyn J. Maan, Azita Goshtasebi , Deborah M. Money, Jerilynn C. Prior. Premature Spinal Bone Loss in Women Living with HIV is Associated with Shorter Leukocyte Telomere Length. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1018; doi:10.3390/ijerph15051018
McClymont E, Lee M, Raboud J, Coutlee F, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Harris M, Cohen J, Yudin M, Wobeser W, Money D & CTN 236 HPV in HIV Study Team. “The Efficacy of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Girls and Women Living with HIV”. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jul 7. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy575.
D. Money, J. Van Schalkwyk, C.Elwood, K Tulloch, N. Pick. Dolutegravir Use in Pregnancy, BC Clinical Guidelines, 29 May 2018 http://www.bcwomens.ca/search?k=Dolutegravir%20Use%20in%20Pregnancy
Mitchell-Foster S, Pederson H, Eng Stime E, Sekikubo M, Moses E, Mwesigwa D, Biryabarema C, Christilaw J, Bysmugisha J, Money D, Ogilvie G. (2017). Self-collection based HPV testing for cervical cancer screening among women living with HIV in Uganda: a descriptive analysis of knowledge, intentions to screen, and factors associated with HPV positivity. BMC Women's Health. 17(2):4
Carter A, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Ding E, Sereda P, Webster K, Nicholson V, Beaver K, Hogg RS, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team. (2017). Validating a self-report measure of HIV viral suppression: an analysis of linked questionnaire and clinical data from the Canadian HIV Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study. Reproductive Health Cohort Study.BMC Res Notes. 10(1): 138.
King E, Kinvig K, Steif J, Qiu A, Maan E, Albert A, Pick N, Alimenti A, Kestler M, Money D, Lester R, Murray M. (2017). Mobile Text Messaging to Improve Medication Adherence and Viral Load in a Vulnerable Canadian Population Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Repeated Measures Study. J Med Internet Res. 19 (6): e190
Salters K, Loutfy M, de Pokomandy A, Money D, Pick N, Wang L, Jabbari S, Carter A, Webster K, Conway T, Dubuc D, O'Brien N, Proulx-Boucher K, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team. (2017). Pregnancy incidence and intention after HIV diagnosis among women living with HIV in Canada. PLoS One. 12(7)
Saunders S, Tulloch K, Maan E, van Schalkwyk J, Money D. (2017). An Evaluation of Introduction of Rapid HIV Testing in a Perinatal Program. J Obstet Gynaecol Can.39(8): 668-675.
Boucoiran I, Albert AYK, Tulloch K, Wagner EC, Pick N, van Schalkwyk J, Harrigan PR, Money D. (2017). Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viral Load Rebound Near Delivery in Previously Suppressed, Combination Antiretroviral Therapy-Treated Pregnant Women. Obstet Gynecol.130(3): 497-501.
Mary Kestler, Melanie Murray, Deborah Money, Laura Sauve, Neora Pick, Nadia O'Brien, Saara Greene, Allison Carter, Johanna Lewis, Valerie Nicholson, Gladys Kwaramba, Brigitte Maynard, Elaina Kaufman, Nourane Ennabil, Neil Andersson, Mona Loutfy, Alexandra de Pokomandy, Angela Kaida, CHIWOS Research Team. Envisioning Women-Centered HIV Care: Perspectives from Women Living with HIV in Canada. Women's Health Issues, Volume 27, Issue 6, November-December 2017, Pages 721-730
Duff P, Money D, Ogilvie G, Ranville F, Kestler M, Braschel M, Pick N, Shannon K. Severe menopausal symptoms associated with reduced adherence to antiretroviral therapy among premenopausal women living with HIV in Metro Vancouver. Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 000-000 DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001040
J Ajaykumar A, Soudeyns H, Kakkar F, Brophy J, Bitnun A, Alimenti A, Albert A, Money DM, Cote HC, CIHR Team in Cellular Aging and HIV Comorbidities in Women and Children (CARMA). Leukocyte telomere length at birth and during the early life of HIV-exposed uninfected children following in utero exposure to antiretrovirals. J Infect Dis. 2018 Feb 14;217(5):710-720. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix618
Brophy J, Bitnun A, Alimenti A, Lapointe N, Samson L, Read S, Karatzios C, Dobson S, Moses E, Blitz S, Lipsky N, Ogilvie O, Walmsley S, Raboud J, and Money D for the HPV in HIV Study Group. Immunogenicity and Safety of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Girls Living with HIV. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. June 2018 - Volume 37 - Issue 6 - p 595–597 doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000001874
Sokalski KM, Chu J, Mai AY, Qiu AQ, Albert AY, Zanet DL, Cote HC, Maan EJ, Pick N, Prior JC, Money DM, Murray MC; CIHR team grant on HIV therapy and aging: CARMA. Endocrine abnormalities in HIV-infected women are associated with peak viral load - the Children and Women: AntiRetrovirals and Markers of Aging (CARMA) Cohort. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016 Mar;84(3):452-62. doi: 10.1111/cen.12881. Epub 2015 Oct 20.
Lazenby GB, Mmeje O, Fisher BM, Weinberg A, Aaron EK, Keating M, Luque AE, Willers D, Cohan D, Money D. Antiretroviral Resistance and Pregnancy Characteristics of Women with Perinatal and Nonperinatal HIV Infection. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2016;2016:4897501. doi: 10.1155/2016/4897501. Epub 2016 Jun 19.
Loutfy M, Greene S, Kennedy VL, Lewis J, Thomas-Pavanel J, Conway T, de Pokomandy A, O'Brien N, Carter A, Tharao W, Nicholson V, Beaver K, Dubuc D, Gahagan J, Proulx-Boucher K, Hogg RS, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team (DM Money). Establishing the Canadian HIV Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS): Operationalizing Community-based Research in a Large National Quantitative Study. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016 Aug 19;16(1):101. doi: 10.1186/s12874-016-0190-7.
Money, DM., Moses, E., Blitz, S.,Vandriel, S. M., Lipsky, N., Walmsley, S. L., Loutfy, M., Raboud, J., & the HPV in HIV Study Group. HIV viral suppression results in higher antibody responses in HIV-positive women vaccinated with the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine. Vaccine. 2016 Sep 14;34(40):4799-806. doi:10.1016j.vaccine.2016.08.016. Epub 2016 Aug 17
Boucoiran I, Tulloch K, Pick N, Kakkar F, van Schalkwyk J, Money D, and Boucher M. A case of third trimester raltegravir initiation: Impact on maternal HIV-1 viral load and obstetrical outcomes. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2015; 26 (3): 145-150.
Salters KA, Cescon A, Zhang W, Ogilvie G, Murray MCM, Coldman A, Hamm J, Chiu CG, Montaner JSG, Wiseman SM, Money D, Pick N and Hogg RS. Cancer incidence among HIV-positive women in British Columbia, Canada: Heightened risk of virus-related malignancies HIV Medicine. (2015) DOI: 10.1111/hiv.12290
Money DM, Wagner EC, Maan EJ, Chaworth-Musters T, Gadawski I, van Schalkwyk JE, Forbes JC, Burdge D, Albert AYK, Lohn Z, Cote HCF, and The Oak Tree Clinic Research Group. Evidence of subclinical mtDNA alterations in HIV-infected pregnant women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy compared to HIV-negative pregnant women. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 6;10(8):e0135041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135041. eCollection 2015.
Murray MC, O'Shaughnessy S, Smillie K, Van Borek N, Graham R, Maan EJ, van der Kop ML, Friesen K, Albert A, Levine S, Pick N, Ogilvie G, Money D, Lester R; WelTel BC1 Study Team. Health Care Providers' Perspectives on a Weekly Text-Messaging Intervention to Engage HIV-Positive Persons in Care (WelTel BC1). AIDS Behav. 2015 Aug 22.
Kaida A, Carter A, de Pokomandy A, Patterson S, Proulx-Boucher K, Nohpal A, Sereda P, Colley G, O'Brien N, Thomas-Pavanel J, Beaver K, Nicholson VJ, Tharao W, Fernet M, Otis J, Hogg RS, Loutfy M; CHIWOS Research Team. (DM Money) Sexual inactivity and sexual satisfaction among women living with HIV in Canada in the context of growing social, legal and public health surveillance. J Int AIDS Soc. 2015 Dec 1;18(Suppl 5):20284. doi: 10.7448/IAS.18.6.20284. eCollection 2015.