A new statement from The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) on RSV immunization to Prevent RSV Infection has been published! This statement was authored by a team of experts in the field, which included multiple members of the RID program team including Dr. Jeffrey Wong, Dr. Deborah Money, Dr. Chelsea Elwood and Dr. Julie van Schalkwyk, as well as long-time RID Program Collaborators Dr. Eliana Castillo, Dr. Isabelle Boucoiran and Dr. Mark Yudin. This statement provides background on RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) overall, its impact on pregnancy and infants, the currently approved maternal and infant RSV vaccines in Canada, as well as recommendations for care providers regarding RSV immunization in pregnancy and for infants. The document aims to help spread awareness of RSV in pregnancy and infancy and the available vaccines and recommended care/treatment, so that optimal and well-informed care regarding RSV in pregnancy/infancy can be provided to as many people as possible! To access this statement click here!