REALITY CHECK: Have children suffered long-term or rare effects from COVID-19 in B.C.?
November 16, 2020
The Province (Article)

Doctors unite to fight incorrect diagnoses of penicillin allergy
October 30, 2020
Specialist Services Committee (Article)

Study to use antenatal blood to track COVID-19’s arrival in Canada
September 29, 2020
Medicine Hat News (Article)

Can pregnant women’s leftover blood samples help us understand how the coronavirus spread in Canada?
September 28, 2020
The Toronto Star (Article)

50,000 blood samples from pregnant women across Canada will be studied for COVID-19 antibodies
September 17, 2020
CTV News (Article)

COVID-19 Immunity Task Force launches serological study using antenatal samples
September 17, 2020
To learn more about our Canadian Popuolation Serological Survey Utilizing Antenatal Serum Samples, check out this article by the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.

Le Groupe de travail sur l’immunité face à la COVID-19 lance une étude sérologique portant sur des échantillons prénataux
September 17, 2020
Le Lézard (Article)

RID featured by the UBC Faculty of Medicine: New serological study will analyze samples from pregnant women to track COVID-19 trends
September 17, 2020
A study on antenatal serum samples led by UBC’s Dr. Deborah Money, has received $3.1 million in funding from the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF). The research, using blood samples from standard tests from expectant women […]

Canadian hospitals saw a sudden drop in premature births during the pandemic. Now researchers are trying to find out why
August 8, 2020
The Globe and Mail (Article)